
cooling drink 冷飲。

cooling fins

At lunchtime a halfway - meal will be provided , to supply the players with the necessary strength for a successful final . after the round , exhausted but happy , one flight after the other can continue their conversations over cool drinks and snacks 半場設有飲料點心供選手取用,以助選手有充分的精力努力拼搏場后,選手可以伴著飲品開胃酒和小吃進一步加深在球場上開始的話題。

When the summer sun shining , what we most wanted should be the only cool drink . unfortunetely , just in a short time , we always found that the cool drink does not cool anymore . . . how can we enjory more cool feeling 當這火熱的太陽烘烤著大地之際,我們最渴望的就是手握一瓶冰涼的飲品,然而不到一會這冰涼的飲品卻很快地升溫了,熱氣隨之又回來了!

Her volume of poetry , just give me a cool drink of water ' fore i die ( 1971 ) was nominated for the pulitzer prize , and she has published numerous other collections of verse 她的自傳包括我知道籠中的鳥為什么歌唱[ 1969 )和上帝的孩子都需要旅游鞋( 1986 ) .她的詩集請在我死前給我一杯冷飲獲得了普利策獎提名,她還出版了無數的詩集。

For example , sometimes we go into a beautiful palace and we were invited into the living room of the master . we sat there and we were served with cool drinks and beautiful eating and everything 比方說,有時我們被邀請到一棟美觀的宅邸,在主人的客廳里,坐在那兒享受些可口的東西。

Dance the summer heat away with cool drink specials and live reggae . taipei ' s weekly reggae party ! couple ' s get $ 100 beers all night long . don ' t miss out 夏天的夜晚只有島國風情音樂才能趕走燥熱的高溫!六月起每周三巴西風情的雷鬼派對將讓你的快樂周末提早展開.音樂果醬跟著熱鬧展開

We were holding cool drinks and idly watching a hand - sized tarantula seize moths that came to the lone bulb on the generator shed beside us 我們手里拿著清涼的飲料,悠閑地看著一只有手那么大小的狼蛛捕捉紛紛撲向我們身旁發電機棚屋上一個燈泡的飛蟲。

Ladies find wonderworker especially useful , a pleasant surprise when they note delightful result like a cool drink of fresh spring water on a sultry summer s day 太太們尤宜使用“神奇露” ,其爽快的效果,猶如在悶熱的盛夏飲用清涼的泉水。

In the aspects of candy and cool drink : better reflecting the functional characteristics of soybean protein isolated 在糖果和冷飲方面:更能體現大豆分離蛋白的功能特性。

About noon i stopped at the captain s door with some cooling drinks and medicines 傍午時分,我拿著些冷飲和藥片來到了船長的門前。

I sought shade and a cool drink at a waterfront cafe on a greek island 我在希臘島上尋找一個陰涼的海邊小餐館,準備喝一下冷飲。

I want to have a cool drink 我想喝一杯冷飲。

B yes , you ' re right . it ' s too hot . i think we need a cool drink 是的,你說得對。太熱了。我想我們需要喝杯冷飲。

B : yes , you ' re right . it ' s too hot . i think we need a cool drink 你是對的。確實太熱了,我想我需要來點冷飲。

Yes , you ' re right . it ' s too hot . i think we need a cool drink 你是對的。確實太熱了,我想我需要來點冷飲。

A cool drink refreshed him after his long hot journey 翻譯漫長而灼熱的旅途之后,一杯冷飲讓他精力恢復。

On these dry days , you soon thirst for a cool drink 在那些干旱的日子里,你不久就會渴望喝點清涼的東西。

“ now for a cool drink “ , she said , opening the bottle “接下來該來一瓶清涼的飲料“ ,她說著,開了一瓶。

A cooling drink is welcome on a hot day 在熱天清涼飲料很受歡迎

A cool drink refreshed me after my long walk 走了很長的一段路之后,一杯冷飲使我恢復了精神。